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Create a product

Create a product and configure its advanced options

Héctor Emperador avatar
Written by Héctor Emperador
Updated over a week ago

To create a product in Holded, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Catalog > Products in the sidebar.

  2. Click the "New Product" button in the upper right corner.

  3. Enter basic product information, including a name and description.

  4. Include information related to sales, purchasing and manufacturing, tracking, stock management, options (add from here variants such as size, color, etc., lots, or serial numbers) and accounting.

  5. Complete your product sheet including tags and categories, and uploading an image to appear in your documents and catalog.

  6. Click the "Save" button to save the product.

Your product will be visible in the listing, under Catalog > Products.

Advanced options when creating a product

In addition to the basic information, you can configure different advanced options for your product, some of them available by activating the Inventory gem in the Holded Store:

1. Sales

Create and assign different rates, if you want to apply different selling prices for your product:

  • Subtotal: the taxable amount of the product.

  • Tax type: select from the available ones, VAT, Withholding Tax, Sales Equalisation Tax

  • Manage rates: create a new rate or add already created tariffs to the product.

2. Purchasing and manufacturing

From "Purchases and manufacturing", you will be able to indicate whether it is a purchased product (by default) or a manufactured product (by checking the box). In addition, you can add and manage different purchase prices, depending on the supplier that supplies the item. This will make it easier for you to create invoices or purchase orders, since by assigning them a specific "Contact" during their creation, the price defined for said contact will be applied to them.

☝🏼 Use the field below to add additional purchase prices-suppliers; and the trash buttons, on the right, to delete them:

  • Average cost: adds the initial cost of the product. This value is automatically recalculated with each new purchase and applied in Inventory reports. It is editable, so it can be adjusted manually. In addition, you will be able to check the margin of your sales thanks to the cost in the cost report.

  • Default supplier: Every time you add the product to the invoice or purchase order, the product will automatically be assigned to the same supplier and the price you have defined here will be applied.

  • Subtotal: The pre-tax amount used in purchasing documents, such as invoices or purchase orders. The value of this field is fixed, that is, it is not calculated automatically, but can be edited manually.

  • Taxes: The type of tax that is applied to the subtotal. You can add at the same time an option for each of the two types of taxes present (VAT, Withholding).

  • Total: Automatically calculated from subtotal and taxes. It is editable, although if you modify it the subtal will also be modified.

  • Bill of materials (BOM): by checking the "It is a manufactured product" box, a detailed list of all the materials or components necessary to manufacture the product will appear. Learn more about managing manufactured products here.​

3. Tracking

Enter the information that identifies the product here: SKU, barcode, manufacturing code, weight:

  • SKU: unique reference number, indispensable to identify your products when importing invoices or integrating your online store. The SKU appears on invoices and purchase orders.

  • Barcode: with barcodes on your products, when generating invoices, purchase orders, or delivery notes, you will be able to scan the code directly to add the product to the document, without having to search for it in the selector.

  • Factory code: unlike the barcode, the factory code will appear on invoices and purchase orders.

  • Weight - Kg: appears on the delivery notes.

4. Stock management

  • Manage stock: ticking this box allows you to add the warehouse and the number of units in the "Quantity" field, as well as to view the stock in the product panel.

  • Default warehouse: define your default warehouse for the product, from the ones you have created.

  • Quantity: number of product units in stock today

5. Options

Check the box to add options to your product:

  • Variants: e.g. sizes S, M, L, or colours, blue, black, grey

  • Lots: e.g. in the food or pharmaceutical industry

  • Serial numbers: typically in electronics, books, magazines, etc.

Learn more in our articles on how to manage variants, lots or serial numbers.

6. Accounting

Define, in the dropdown, the default sales and purchase accounting account for the product:

  • Sales account: the account to choose to allocate the invoice to a sales channel (e.g. online shop), and to be able to segment your sales by channel. These should always be sales or revenue group accounts (70, 75, 76 or 77). Use this option if you will always use the same sales channel for the product.

  • Purchase account: the account to choose to allocate the invoice to a type of expense (e.g. office rent), and to be able to segment your purchases by account. These should always be purchase or expense group accounts (60, 65, 66 or 67). Use this option if you will always assign the product to the same expense account when purchasing it.

7. Categorization

  • Tags: tag your product for easy sorting or filtering.

  • Categories: add categories (available with the Inventory gem) such as "Brand", or "Season" (summer, winter), "Gender" (Man, Woman, Kids), etc.

Learn how to manage categories here.

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