Configure deadlines, type, and regime of VAT and payrolls
When you set a goal in the Targets view, a corresponding projection is automatically created in the Cashflow view. This automation process facilitates cash management by reflecting the financial targets you set.
Holded uses a number of key parameters to perform this automatic calculation, based on:
VAT regime: monthly or quarterly.
Payment and collection deadlines: defined according to your policies
Personal Income Tax (IRPF) and Social Security (SS) %: Applied to employee payrolls.
These parameters directly affect Cashflow objectives and are fully customizable. You can configure income, expenses and payroll parameters by following these steps:
Go to Analytics > Goals or Treasury > Cashflow.
Go to the three dots (⋮) button at the top right and click "Settings".
Go to the "Billing" tab.
Choose, using the drop-down menus, for the income accounts:
Now do the same for the expense accounts:
Payment term: same day of billing, 7 days, 14 days, 1 month, 2 months.
VAT on purchases: VAT not defined, VAT 21%, VAT 10%, VAT 7.5%, VAT 5%, VAT 4%, VAT 2%, VAT 0%.
Next, define the VAT regime (monthly or quarterly).
Now go to the "Payrolls" tab.
Configure the personal income tax using the drop-down menus: the filing period, its percentage, and the accounting account.
Finally, configure the percentage and accounting account for the social security of employees:
Click "Save".
Configure your goals and cashflow by accounting account
If you want a certain accounting account to behave differently, or you prefer to give it a different configuration than the general one, you can do it this way:
Set the general settings for your plan, defined in steps 1 to 4 of the previous section, then click "Define by accounting account".
Use the drop-down menus to select a specific accounting account, maturity date, and VAT rate.
☝🏼 Use the "+ Add account" button to add additional lines, or the trash button to delete them.
Click on the arrow, in top left, to return to the general settings; or on the "X", in the upper right corner, to finalize the stage configuration.
Finally, keep in mind that:
The specific configuration of a ledger account will take priority over the general configuration.
Only income and expense-type accounting accounts (7 and 6) may have a configuration, both general and specific.
Income or expense accounts not specifically configured will behave according to the general configuration.