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Scan products by barcode

Scan and add products to your orders and invoices using the barcode of your products

Héctor Emperador avatar
Written by Héctor Emperador
Updated over 6 months ago

Scan and add products to a document

The product scan functionality allows you to automatically add your products to Holded documents to make your inventory management as efficient as possible. You will simply need a barcode scanner.

Follow these steps to scan products:

  1. Go to the creation menu of one of these documents:​

  2. Below the lines for "Concept", "Description", etc., locate the drop-down arrow next to "Add line", and choose the "Scan products" option:

    ☝🏼 You will have to have added the barcode of the products when creating them to be able to scan them later:​

  3. Activate or deactivate the "Add identical products in a line" option, checking or unchecking the box:​

  4. Run the scanner reader over the product's barcode. The products will be added to your invoice or order as you scan them.

💎 Activate the Inventory gem to use the product scanner.

Send or receive products using the scanner

This option allows you to automatically discount stock and achieve precise management of the shipping or receipt of products:

  1. Go to Inventory > Sales Orders or Purchase Orders.

  2. Click on an order from the list.

  3. Click the "Send Units" (sales orders) or "Receive Units" (purchase orders) button above, slightly to the right (or in the "Ships" section under the General section.

  4. At the bottom of the pop-up panel, press the "Scan Products" button.

    You will need to have added the products' barcode when creating them in order to scan them; If not, edit them and add one.​

  5. Read the product barcode with the gun scanner.

  6. Press "Confirm".

When scanning products with variants, lots, or serial numbers, a window will open where you can select the variant, lot, or serial number you need. When you create an order, check the "Select lot/sn" box in the Options section to display said window.

Supported barcodes

Although there are various types of barcodes that Holded can work with, however, we can guarantee correct operation with the following:

  • Code 128 Auto.

  • EAN 8.

  • EAN 13.

  • UPC-A.

Remember that the management of problems related to scanning or configuration between PC and scanner is managed directly with the manufacturer. Consult the user manual or contact technical service.

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