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The project forms

Automate tasks by standardizing the introduction of information in your projects

Héctor Emperador avatar
Written by Héctor Emperador
Updated over 6 months ago

Create a form

Forms automate tasks by standardizing the entry of information into projects. For example, date fields can be included to ensure that the start and end date of each task is reported. Forms can be applied to all projects or only to particular projects.

To create a form, follow these steps:

  1. Activate the free Forms functionality in the Holded Store.

  2. Click on the “New form” button.

    ☝🏼 You can also access from the “Forms” tab within any project.

  3. Fill in the basic fields and add questions to the form.

  4. Click on “Create”.

A. Fill in the basic fields

In the pop-up window, complete the following fields:

  • Project: in the drop-down, check the box of the projects where you want to apply the form.

  • (⋮): click on the three dots button and activate the switch to make this form automatically available in all projects.

  • Title: add a title to your form.

  • Icon: click on the drop-down to choose an icon from those available.

  • + Add a description: click here to add a description if you wish.

  • Add to list: To do / In progress / Testing / Finished / Backlog.

  • Type: Story / Bug / Task / Epic.

    ☝🏼 The available task types will depend on the selected project.

B. Add questions to the form

At the bottom of the window, fill in the following information:

  • (⋮⋮): click here to drag the question up or down, thus changing its order.

  • Question: type the question or instruction for users or project participants to enter into the task.

  • Type: select the question format from this drop-down:

    • Linked to task:

      • Description: this is a text type field that allows you to enter the general description of the task.

      • Start: will display a calendar so that you can select a start date for the task.

      • End: will display a calendar so that you can select an end date for the task.

      • Priority: of the generated task. It will enable the following options: Very High, High, Medium, Low or Very Low.

      • Story Points: numeric value field that will allow you to express the estimate of the overall effort required in the task.

    • Custom:

      • Text field: will allow to add additional questions or instructions whose answer can be provided from text.

      • Number: this is a numeric field for answering questions or instructions of this type.

      • Date: a calendar will be enabled to select a date for the question entered.

      • Selection: activates the “Options” field, which allows you to enter several options that will then be displayed in a drop-down menu. Press “Enter” on your keyboard after entering each option.

      • Radius: activate the “Options” field, which allows you to enter several options that will be displayed on the same line and only one of which can be selected. Press “Enter” on your keyboard after entering each option.

      • Checkbox: allows you to enter several options that will be displayed on the same line. More than one option can be selected.

  • + Add a description: include a description if you wish.

  • Mandatory field: check the box if you want the answer to that question to be mandatory.

  • + Add question: click here to add additional questions or instructions.

  • Delete question: use the trash can icon to the right of the questions to delete unneeded questions.

You can create as many forms as you need. Once completed, the form will be visible to all project members participating in the assigned task list.

Adding a form to a project

To add a form to a specific project, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Projects > Projects on the toolbar.

  2. Click on a project in the list.

  3. Go to the “Forms” tab.

  4. Under “Available forms”, click on “+ Add form to project”.

  5. Under “Type”, use the drop-down to confirm the type of task to be generated.

  6. Under “Add to list”, specify the list to which the task will be sent (Preparations, Needs, Areas, Phases).

  7. Click “Save”.

After completing these steps, the form will become part of the list of active Forms for the project in question. You will be able to identify it with the label “Public” in Projects > Forms.

Filling in a form

To fill in a form from a project, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Projects > Projects on the toolbar.

  2. Select a project from the list.

  3. Go to the "Forms" tab.

  4. In "Active forms", click "Fill in" on one of the available forms.

  5. Fill in the form fields.

  6. Click “Save”.

The generated task will be added to the project board.

Edit a form

To edit a form, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Projects > Forms in the navigation bar.

  2. In the 'Grid' view, locate the form you want to edit and access the three-dot menu.

    ☝🏼 In the "List" view, instead, simply click on the line of the form you want to edit.

  3. Click on “Edit”.

  4. Change the necessary fields and click “Update”.

Deleting a form

To delete a form, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Projects > Forms in the navigation bar.

  2. Locate the form you want to delete and access the three-dot menu.

  3. Click “Delete”.

  4. Click “Confirm” to permanently delete.

☝🏼 Only the administrator or creator of the form will be able to delete or edit it, other users will only be able to fill it in.

Actions from the forms list

From the forms list in Holded you can apply filters and default segments to find what you are looking for quickly. You can also configure the information you want the columns in the list to display.

To access the filters, segments and column settings, you will need to select the list view, as these options do not appear in the grid view:

  1. Go to Projects > Forms, in the navigation bar.

  2. Filter by following the instructions below:

1. Filter forms with the search engine

Whenever you need to find a particular form, you can use the search engine by typing the name or a keyword to make it appear in the list.

2. Filtering forms with predefined filters

Predefined filters are also available in the forms list, so that you can get a more detailed view of the characteristics of your products.

You can filter your forms by:

  • Project: select All created projects or specific projects.

  • This project is archived: All / Archived / Not archived.

3. Custom filters

To create a custom filter, once you have selected the filters you need, click “Save segment”; name it, and press “Ok”.

The new segment with your search preferences will be accessible from the drop-down menu, to the left of filters, so you can easily select it when you need it.

4. Filter forms by segments

The option to filter by segments will allow you to filter the forms from the drop-down next to “+ Filter”, according to the segments you have customized from custom filters.

☝🏼 Remember that among the segments, the customized filters you have saved will also appear.

5. Configure the columns of the list

  1. Click on the two-column icon below the search bar.

  2. Check the box of those fields that you want to be displayed in your form listing:

    • Name: corresponds to the form title field.

    • Type: indicates the type of task that is generated when completing this form (Task, Story, Epic, Bug).

    • Description: displays the description of the form so that you can quickly identify it.

    • Project: specifies the name of the project of which this form is a part.

    • List: shows the name of the list used by this form to generate the tasks.

    • Number of questions: shows the number of questions that this form contains in order to create the tasks.

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