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Financial plan: creating goals and scenarios
Financial plan: creating goals and scenarios

Manage your goals and create what-if scenarios in your treasury plan

Héctor Emperador avatar
Written by Héctor Emperador
Updated over 2 months ago


Goals, within the context of the treasury plan, are financial and growth goals that a company aims to achieve in a specific period. You can create or edit your goals in two ways.

1. Create or edit goals from the table

To create or edit goals from the table, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Goals table, or to the Cashflow table.

  2. Access the table editing mode in any of these ways (you will know you are editing because the cursor blinks and the header shows "Editing"):​

    • Double-clicking on a cell.

    • Or, from the three dots (⋮) button > Edit goals.​

  3. Enter the desired amount for your goal.

  4. Click on another cell to continue creating or editing goals.​

    ☝🏼 Navigate with the arrows on your keyboard to move between cells, press the Enter key to jump to the next cell, or drag values between cells and use typical spreadsheet commands to copy (Ctrl+c), paste (Ctrl+v), save (Ctrl+g) or exit (Esc) from the table.​

  5. Click "Save" to return to table viewing mode.

2. Create or edit goals from the side panel

Unlike editing from the table, the side panel allows you advanced editing of goals:

  1. Display the side panel by clicking on any cell.​

    ☝🏼 If you were in table editing mode, then click on the icon in the upper left corner of the cell to access the panel.​

  2. Press the "+ New goal" button (if the cell was empty), or the "Edit goal" button (if it already had a value assigned), to create or edit it, as appropriate.

  3. Create or edit your goals as many times as you want, according to two criteria:​

    • Based on a quantity.

    • Based on another goal.

2.1 Based on a quantity

In this case, you will project the evolution of your goal based on a fixed amount that you define. You can define that amount based on quick calculations suggested by Holded.

For example, suppose in April you set a target based on the average of the previous three months and project it automatically. In that case, the calculation for April will be based on that average.

However, if one of the values for those previous three months changes after you set the April target, that change will not affect the April target. The April target will continue to be calculated using the average of the values that were present when the target was initially set.

To project a goal based on a quantity:

  1. Enter the desired amount.

  2. If you wish, check the "Automatically project goal" box (to replicate the goal in subsequent months) and select the period and recurrence.​

  3. Check the "Add variation" box to apply gradual increases or decreases to the goal over time, specifying the percentage change (for example, a 3% increase each month).​

  4. Click "Apply" in the lower right corner to add the target and return to table editing mode.

  5. Click the "Save" button at the bottom right to save your changes.

2.2. Based on another goal

By choosing this option, you will project the evolution of your goal based on the goals of another existing accounting account, applying a mathematical function according to the desired preferences:

  1. Choose the row from which to take the data using the "Account" drop-down menu.

  2. In "Percentage", mark the percentile increase or decrease that you want to apply over the original value.

  3. Choose the column of the month from which to take the data using the "Period" drop-down menu.

  4. Check, if you wish, the "Project goal automatically" box to replicate the goal in subsequent months, and select the period and frequency of repetition.​​

  5. Click "Apply" in the lower right corner to add the target and return to table editing mode.​

    ☝🏼 You will notice that the function symbol "f(x)" is now displayed in the target cell. and the border of the source cell will be highlighted with an orange stipple.​

  6. Click the "Save" button to save your changes and exit editing mode.

☝🏼 Note that when creating targets based on other targets, any modifications made to the original targets will automatically update the dependent targets.

Scenario management

A scenario is an environment where you can set goals for a specific period. By default, you will work in the "Main Scenario", but you can create additional scenarios to analyze various what-if situations.

☝🏼 The scenarios are cross-cutting for the Goals and Cashflow views.

1. Create a new scenario

To create a new scenario, follow these steps:

  1. Access the "Main scenario" drop-down menu in the upper right corner and click on "Create new scenario".​

  2. In the pop-up panel, type a name for your scenario and assign it a color to differentiate it from the rest.​

  3. Optionally, using the drop-down menu below, you can indicate the reference scenario from which to copy the data.

  4. Click "Save".

To navigate between scenarios, simply go to the "Main Scenario" dropdown in the upper right corner and click on the one you want to work on.

2. Edit a scenario

To edit a scenario, simply:

  1. Go to the "Main scenario" dropdown in the upper right corner.

  2. Click the three-dot (⋮) button next to the name of the scenario you want to edit, and press "Edit scenario".​

  3. In the pop-up panel, edit the reference name or color.

  4. Click "Save" to save your changes.

3. Delete a scenario

When you delete a scenario from your Goals or your Cashflow, you lose all the data contained in it. This action cannot be undone.

To delete a scenario, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to the "Main scenario" dropdown in the upper right corner.

  2. Click the three-dot (⋮) button next to the name of the scenario you want to delete, and press "Delete Scenario".​

  3. Confirm the action.

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