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See the workload of your team members

Héctor Emperador avatar
Written by Héctor Emperador
Updated over 7 months ago

To see the workload of your team members, follow these steps:

  1. Enable the free Workload gem in the Holded Store.

  2. Query the information by columns:

    • Projects

      Here you can see the number of projects assigned to a given user. If you want a user to be included in a specific project:

      1. Go to Projects , and access the project in question.

      2. Click the Settings button, and select "Members".

      3. If you want to add a user, click "Add members".

      4. Check the users you want to add and press "Invite".

      ☝🏼 Remember that to see the associated workload, projects have to be public.

    • Tasks

      This column displays the number of tasks the user is assigned to. They are divided by status: To Do, Progress, and Done. To set task status:

      1. Click on your account name, at the top left, and go to Settings.

      2. Under Projects, click "Preferences".

      3. Under Task States, edit or create a new one.

      ☝🏼 Tasks must have a start date assigned to them to appear in this view.

    • Estimated time

      The total estimated time that has been allocated to each task will appear here. You can add this information in the Estimated Time field of the tasks. Learn here how to manage tasks on the platform.

    • Entered time

      This column shows the Time Logs entered by the user in the tasks (the time logged must be approved to be displayed in this view). Learn more here about the time records in Holded.

    • Time left

      In this column, you will be able to consult the pending time to finish all the tasks assigned to the user.

    • Total capacity

      This shows the total hours the user can work. This information is fed from the working hours that the employee has been assigned by contract.

      Make sure the employee is registered and has an assigned contract with working hours. Consult the Team section at our Academy to learn more.

      ☝🏼 Total Capacity information will only be visible if the user has a role that includes employee access.

    • Progress

      Here is a progress bar in percentage that relates the Estimated Time to the Entered Time.

Filter and slice data in Workload

  • Use the dropdown on the top left to segment by task statuses (All, To Do, In Progress, Finished).

  • Use "+ Filter" to filter by project

    ☝🏼 You can also use the search bar to enter keywords, or use the time picker to enter specific dates.

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