Accounting entries are recorded in the Journal, so whenever you need to edit, duplicate or delete an entry, go to Accounting > Journal .
Edit an entry
Once in the Journal, click on the line of the entry that you want to edit.
Note that:
If you change the ledger account of a transaction, the amount will be transferred to the new account automatically.
If you modify the contact of the transaction, the amount will be transferred to the new client or supplier that you have indicated.
If you change an accounting entry in the Journal, the invoice associated with it will not change.
Duplicate a transaction
After accessing the Journal, find the transaction and click anywhere on the transaction line .
The transaction detail will open, and in the lower right corner , you will find the duplicate button.
Note that:
After clicking Duplicate, you must confirm the action to move forward.
You can add new data or modify the existing ones.
Clicking on Save will record the new entry in the Journal.
Delete an entry
Once in the Journal, find the entry you want to delete and check the box on the left side of the screen. When you bookmark the transaction, the delete icon will appear at the bottom of the screen . Click on it and confirm the action.
Note that:
If you delete a seat you won't be able to get it back .
If you delete an accounting entry its invoice will not be deleted. If you want to remove the entry and the invoice, you must delete said document .
If a transaction has any of its lines dotted, it cannot be deleted.