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Expenditure: a start-up guide

All the information you need to start recording and tracking your expenses.

Camilla avatar
Written by Camilla
Updated over a week ago

1. Customize your expense accounts

When you register a purchase invoice in Holded you need to assign an expense account so that it is reflected in your ledger . You can customize your accounts to differentiate your expenses according to their type.

  1. Click the + button and click New Expense Account

  2. In Type use the dropdown to select any of the accounts included in Group 6 (Purchases and Expenses)

  3. Write the name with which you want to identify the expense account

  4. In the Number field, add the ledger account with which you want the expense account to be registered

  5. Assign a color to be able to differentiate the expense account in the Reports section

  6. Click Create

2. Set up your Inbox email

Setting up the email address Inbox is an essential step to receive your vouchers expenses , convert them to purchase documents and thus record them in your accounting.

  1. Opens the Three-dot menu top right

  2. Click on Settings

  3. Write the email address, by default the name of the account of your company will appear

  4. Click Save

3. Create your employees (optional)

In order to register, allocate and post the payroll , which is an important part of your expenses, you will first need to create the profile of your employees . If you have no employees, and therefore no payroll to post, you can skip this step.

  1. From the navigation bar, go to Team > Employees

  2. Click on New Employee, top right

  3. Fill in the fields above name , last name , and email , and click Create .

  4. From your employee list, select the employee and click Edit in the window on the left

  5. Complete all the necessary information in the Preferences , Personal Data and Accounting sections.

4. Create a test purchase manually

Create and register expense documents such as purchase invoices, purchase receipts or corrective purchase.

  1. From the navigation bar, go to Expenses > Expenses

  2. Click New Purchase top right

  3. Select the contact

  4. Put a expiration date

  5. Details the concepts , their quantity, price and taxes

  6. Add a message if you wish

  7. Attach the file purchase

  8. Select the expense account

  9. You can modify your purchase invoice and save it as a draft. When it's all done, just click Approve .

5. Upload a test spend with the Holded app

This option is especially useful to avoid manually entering each ticket, invoice, or purchase order you work with. You need the Holded app on your mobile to be able to take photos of your expense receipts, available in the Play Store (Android) or App Store (iOS).

  1. Enter the application of Holded

  2. Take a photo of the file to upload to Inbox

  3. From Inbox , select the file

  4. In the pop-up window, tap Scan

  5. Turn it into a purchase, ticket or order

6. Remove the test purchase

Now that you've created your test spend, delete it so it doesn't affect your accounting. Neither the contacts nor the products or services that you have created when generating the purchase invoice will be deleted.

  1. From the list, select the invoice by checking the box to the left

  2. From the bottom bar, click Remove

  3. Confirm the action

7. Register a test payroll

If you have employees, you'll need to learn how to create payroll for them to post.

  1. From the navigation bar, go to Expenses > Payroll

  2. Click New Payroll

  3. Indicates the name of the worker

  4. Enter the date of the payroll posting

  5. Details the concepts: Salary , Total SS , Company SS Expense and Personal Income Tax

  6. Add a description and tags , if you want to do more analytical bookkeeping

  7. Attach the payslip in PDF format

  8. Click Create

You can use the Mark as Paid checkbox to post the payment directly from payslip. The calculation of the amount in To be paid will be carried out automatically taking into account: (Salary + SS Company Expense) - (Total SS + Personal Income Tax).

8. Delete the test payroll

Now remove the test payroll so that nothing is out of balance in your accounting.

  1. Select payroll by checking the box to the left

  2. click Remove from the bottom bar

  3. Confirm the action

9. Import your expenses

Importing your expenses will allow you to control your accounting much better by analyzing the flow of expenses and how they impact the benefits of your business.

  1. Click the 3-dot menu and select Import

  2. Download the import template

  3. Fill the template with the corresponding data

  4. Once saved, drag the file or press File Upload

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