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Profit and loss account
Rocío avatar
Written by Rocío
Updated over a week ago

The profit and loss account shows the income and expense items for the year, resulting in a profit or loss. It is used to show the profit and loss for the accounting period. And, according to the Spanish General Chart of Accounts (PGC), this is one of the accounts that must be presented.

As it is an accounting account that includes financial results, in Holded you will find it both in the Accounting section and in the Analytical Reports section.

So, to access the Profit and Loss account, you have two ways. One from the Analytical section and the other from Accounting.

To access the Profit and Loss account from the Analytical section you have to:

  1. In the navigation bar, click on Analytics first, and then Reports.

  2. Access Finance from the central button or the list on the left.

  3. Click onProfit and Loss in the list on the left.

Once in the Profit and Loss account, you will be able to:

  • Filter by annualresults, monthlyresults, compare with the previous year or targets. This will help you to analyse the evolution of your business and link it to the accounting objectives you have predefined.

  • Consult in detail and choose to distinguish only the results or add more variables to observe on screen, such as titles, groups and accounts. In addition, clicking on each account or result will display the general ledger. In accounting, the detail of each entry of an accounting account is called the general ledger.

  • Addtags: tags allow you to mark contacts, products, documents and journal entries within Holded. They will also allow you to consult and analyse the information you have added in the platform.

  • Export the profit and loss account in Excel and PDF format. Remember that you will download the complete table or the information you have previously selected.

  • Search by keyword, amount or number. If you want to consult the information of a certain account or accounting group, you will be able to do it through a key word, the amount or the number of the account.

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