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The Balance Sheet
Rocío avatar
Written by Rocío
Updated over a week ago

This report shows the relationship between your company's assets (rights and possessions), liabilities (debts and obligations) and net worth (equity or non-callable sources of financing) at a given date.

For this reason, in accounting, it is usually said that the balance sheet reflects the relationship between the company's assets and liabilities and, together with the profit and loss account and the annual report, they make up the annual accounts.

To access the Balance Sheet from Analytica you have to:

  1. In the navigation bar, click on Analytical, first, and then on Reports.

  2. Click on Finance and access the Balance Sheet from the list button on the left.

Once in the Balance Sheet, you will be able to:

  • Filter by periods to analyse the annual and monthly evolution of your assets, liabilities and equity by filtering accordingly. You can also analyse a specific date or period.

  • Consult in detail and choose the information you want to see on screen. You can choose to display only the results or add more variables, such as titles, groups, subgroups, accounts and sub-accounts.

  • Addtags :tags allow you to mark contacts, products, documents and entries within Holded. They will be useful when consulting and analysing the information you have added to the platform.

  • Export the Balance Sheet in Excel and PDF format. When exporting the document, you can download the complete table or just the information you have selected.

  • Search by words, amount and account number: if you want to consult the information of a certain account or accounting group, you can do so by keyword, amount or account number.

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