💎 To correctly use this functionality you will have to activate the Paid Gem Point of Sale, available at Holded Store , in addition to downloading the Holded POS app for tablets iOS or Android .
Holded's POS integrates automatically with your accounting by recording entries in the configured ledger and treasury accounts. The creation of those seats is triggered by a few actions you can perform in the app:
Sales and Refunds
Each time you complete a sale or refund, two journal entries will be automatically created:
An entry, generated in your sales account , will record the income and tax liability associated with this sale.
The second accounting entry will record the payment in the checking account previously linked to the selected payment method, either cash or card.
Add or withdraw cash manually
Every time you add or withdraw cash from your till, causing a movement not related to a specific sale or refund, a transaction will be generated.
To register this movement, you will have the option to select one of your bank accounts added in Holded. If none is selected, the system will create the corresponding entry by default in the accounting account 555 Items pending application.
Note that if you are moving cash from your register to a bank account (or the other way around), a ledger entry between two checking accounts will generate a payment . Later, you will have to reconcile this payment against the corresponding transaction.
In case the movement of cash is between two tills , such as when you don't have enough money for a change, this action will have to be done in a single cash register and thus avoid a duplicate entry, since this movement will be registered in both cash registers.
Cash Closing
When you close your box, the system will automatically show you the amount of money expected based on the movements of the day. After the count, you can confirm this amount or, in case of discrepancy, correct it with the actual amount .
In case you have to correct the final amount of money, to avoid an imbalance in your accounting, a corrective entry will be generated in sales accounts or extra expenses created by the system automatically when activating the Point of Sale Gem.
If, during an open session, an entry is manually created in one of the accounting accounts linked to your register, this movement will also be taken into account at the time to calculate the expected final amount.