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POS: Getting started guide

Configure everything you need and carry out the complete cycle of a sale

Camilla avatar
Written by Camilla
Updated over a week ago

1. Activate the Gem

💎 Point of Sale is a paid Gem , available at Hold Store . Activate it to start configuring your stores and boxes.

  1. Log in to your Holded account and go to the Holded Store

  2. From the Gems tab, select Point of Sale

  3. Click Start 14-day trial

  4. Once the Gem is activated, click on Go to functionality

2. Create and assign your products

After activating the Gem, you will have to create and assign the products that you are going to sell through the POS.

  1. From Inventory, select Products

  2. Click New Product

  3. Fill in all fields with product information

  4. Click Save

  5. From the listing , select the products by checking the box next to the name

  6. In the bottom bar , click POS

  7. Select from the dropdown menu Activate

3. Create your store profile

  1. Click + Create Store top right

  2. Fill in the fields with all the details, including name, address and the phone number that will be seen on the receipts

  3. Generate a new store linked to the store or select an existing one

  4. Click Create

4. Fill in the information about your box

For each store profile created, a cash register will be generated and you will only have to fill in its details.

  1. Enter the profile of the store

  2. Click the 3-dot (⋮) menu next to the box and select Edit

  3. Name your box and add a short description. By default, the system will generate a cash account with the same name.

  4. Link one of your bank accounts for card payments

  5. Save

5. Download the Holded POS application

Please note that there are some technical requirements necessary: the OS version of your tablet has to be from 12.5 onwards for iOS, while for Android it will have to be from 6.0

  1. Search for Holded POS

6. Open the box

Log in to the app with the same credentials of your Holded account and open your box.

  1. Select the box

  2. Click Open Register

  3. Confirm the operation

7. Add products to cart

  1. Access the application's sidebar by clicking on the three-line menu (☰)

  2. Select New Sale

To add products to a sale you can use a barcode scanner , the camera of your tablet, write directly the product code or browse the list of items in the grid.

8. Pause a sale

You can pause your sale to perform other actions , such as serve other customers, and recover it later.

  1. Add items to cart

  2. Tap on Pause , right in the top right corner of your screen

By pausing a sale in progress you will be able to make another one without losing any information, while if you delete it the data will not be they will be able to recover

9. Collect a sale

Choose the payment method and print the receipt.

  1. Add items to cart

  2. Press Charge

  3. Choose the payment method

  4. Confirm the operation

  5. Click on Print receipt

If you want to send the receipt instead of printing it, click Send receipt.

10. Make a refund

Each refund corresponds to a corrective invoice.

  1. Access the application's sidebar by clicking on the three-line menu (☰)

  2. Click on Sales history

  3. Select the sale and click Refund Items

  4. Select the product

  5. Modify quantities and prices

  6. Complete the operation

11. Close the box

When you close your box, the system will show you the amount of money invoiced during the day so that you can confirm or not according to the count.

  1. Open the sidebar, by clicking the three-line menu (☰)

  2. Select Register

  3. Click Close Register

  4. Make the count of the amount billed

  5. Type the total in the correct field

  6. Confirm the operation

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