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Hourly records

Measures the time that has been invested in a certain project, and allocates the cost of the hours as an expense in the Project

Héctor Emperador avatar
Written by Héctor Emperador
Updated over a week ago

The functionality of Time Logs allows you to measure the time spent on a given project. In the same way, the cost of the recorded hours will be allocated as an expense in the Project.

  1. Record hours worked

  2. Submit your hours for manager approval

  3. Check the hours charged by project

  4. View logged and approved hours by employee

  5. View logged and approved hours by project category

  6. Bill hourly records

💎 Enable "Hourly Logs" via the free gem, at Holded Store.

1. Record hours worked

  1. Go to Projects > Records schedules, in the navigation bar

  2. Select Hourly Records

  3. Choose the day of the calendar in which you want to register the hours, by clicking on the "+" symbol

    💡 Use the date picker, top right, to scroll through the calendar

  4. Select a previously created project to allocate your user's Price/hour to that specific project. If you leave it blank, it will remain as unassigned

  5. Specifies which task this project corresponds to. If this field is not reported, it will remain unassigned

  6. Add a description

  7. Assigns a category to compute the cost/hour by billing category

  8. Enter the time spent in one of the following ways:

    • Manually: Click the From/To button, and set the date and times you want to record

    • Automatically: Click the circle button to start the counter, click again to end it

  9. Click "Save"

The time record board is personal; only you will be able to view the records you have entered

2. Submit your hours for manager approval

At any time you can submit your hours so that the project manager can approve them. They will receive a notification email and will accept/reject the registered hours:

  1. In Time Records , click the "Submit for Approval" button

    You must have pre-allocated the records in order to submit them for manager approval

  2. Select the checkbox of the records you want, and press "Send hourly records"

  3. Check pending and approved hours by clicking the "Pending Approval" and "Approved" tabs in the upper left corner

Approved hours will be represented with a green dot, and rejected hours with a red one (in blue, pending approval).

Only approved hours will appear in the summary for each project. Once the hours have been approved by the manager, they can no longer be disapproved, since they are charged directly to the assigned project.

💡 Users with admin role on the project will also be able to approve hours

3. Check the hours allocated to the project

Once you have entered the hours invested, you will be able to see how many hours have been recorded for it:

  1. Go to Projects , and select on the project you want to query

  2. In the detailed view, go to the "Summary" tab

  3. See the "Hours entered this month" and "Hours per user" sections

4. View hours by employee

This option is specially designed so that managers can review the registered and approved hours of employees. In addition, from this section they will also be able to review the times and approve new records.

  1. Go to Projects , and select on the project you want to query

  2. Click the Billing tab

  3. scroll until you see the Members section

  4. Displays the list of employees who are working on the project

  5. Check the recorded times (they will be accompanied by "Passed" or "Pending", depending on their status)

  6. To review them, click "Review times"

  7. Access those records you want to validate

  8. Click "Decline" or "Accept" as appropriate

  9. Confirm the action

5. View hours by category

From this section you can check the hours that have been recorded for each category in the project. These hours will be computed as an expense in said project based on the configuration of each category, as well as the cost/hour established.

  1. Go to Projects , and select on the project you want to query

  2. Click the Billing tab

  3. scroll until you see the "Categories" section

  4. Displays the list of categories considered in the project

  5. On the right, check the times recorded by each of them

💡 To start billing your projects, you will first need to set up your preferences for billing and budgets by project. These preferences always have priority over general settings for billing and quotes

6. Invoice hourly records in your projects

Holded offers you the option of invoicing the cost of recording hours that have been added by employees. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Projects , in the navigation bar

  2. Enter the corresponding project

  3. Go to the Billing tab.

  4. Click on "Invoice", and choose "Hourly Records"

  5. Check the box of the project to be billed, and click "Next"

  6. Under "Billable Hours" select:

    1. All time records pending billing: all records entered for the project are counted, and that are not billed yet.

    2. Unbilled Time Records Since: counts unbilled records from one of the following time options: this month, last month, this quarter , this year, last year .

    3. Do not include timestamps: No timestamps will be considered.

  7. In "How to show records", choose using the dropdown (this option will not appear if you have selected Do not include time records )

    1. Combine the hours of each task on one line: The hours recorded on each task will be combined on one line of the invoice.

    2. Combine each person's hours on one line: The recorded hours per person/member will be combined on one line on the invoice.

    3. Combine hours for each project on one line: The hours recorded for each project will be combined on one line on the invoice.

    4. Combine hours for each category on one line: Hours logged by project category will be combined on one line on the invoice.

    5. Show each time record as a line: Each time record entered will be shown as a line on the invoice.

  8. Click "Review invoice"

  9. Check that the invoice details are correct and click "Save"

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